Do You Feel Like Life is a Struggle?
Dear Soul Self,
With the world awakening to the Soul Self has it made the struggle more in-depth? As we know there is “More” to the human existence than money, things and possessions. It leaves us in the space of Humanity Heart. Within this Soul Space becomes indifference~unsettlement as we struggle to bring the gifts, healing and vision “to see beyond” to others we are often left feeling unaccomplished. For even when we find our human term “Purpose” it feels not enough. For this space of Humanity Heart contradicts all our ego human drive for success. “Living in the Moment” is the struggle as you sit in your humanness of the moment still searching for the answer to help. The human existence is in such need can my humanness find peace within my gifts. What is the cost? For when you have been blessed to be loved and supported by all whom touch your life. It also fuels the question and realization that more needs to be done.
Living in Humanity Heart ~ always...
My Channeled Prayer~ to my Father in the Spirit World
Dear Father,
What can I share today?
What can I give?
How can I be more of myself?
How can I be a magnificent change agent?
How can I bring Heaven to Earth today?
Father go before me and show me the way.
Always in the struggle….
Bunny ~ Cowgirl Medium
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