Release the unknown barriers that are blocking your spiritual purpose and peace.

Spiritual Enrichment ~ Introduction To Spirituality 

A life-changing online experience with spiritual teacher Bunny Sutherland

You're someone who isĀ committed to your own personal and growth.

You are brave enough and keep wondering about all this world beyond.

Deep down you know there is has to be a different life.

Because you have been wondering way too long.


No matter how motivated you to learning

it seems too strange!

The same old doubts keep coming back, getting in the way of your happiness, enjoyment and fulfillment.

Soon enough something strange occurs and the old subconscious mind trap starts ~ feelings like hurt, anger, sadness, and frustrationĀ 

keep bursting your Spiritual Belief!

That book, show, tic tok, reader, story heard is unbelievable!

Suddenly you cease everything and throw your hands in the air declaring "It's all crazy stuff what'sĀ the use?"

I know your disbelief I have been there and have helped countless clients get beyond what life seems.

This is what I know for sure....

You CAN learn safely, with ease of understanding and create a NEW empowered life, where you are the hero or heroine of your life story.

(without more years of searching, buying more self-help books and riding the roller coaster of past and future dreams)

The ultimate secret to creating this kind of breakthrough lies in discovering your

Souls Essence ~ the inner part of you that designed a life of happiness before birth.

In this life changing online experience you will come to deeply understand the inner part of you.

The you that radiates joy.

You will get the tools to finally release the subconscious mind trap that holds you back.

As I lead you through my spiritual wisdom, insights and exercises you will be able to rise above the old habits.

No more struggling patternsĀ in your daily life, no matter what is happening around you!



Start Your Journey Now!

7 Weekly Defined Steps

  • Each week will have a unique spiritual insight.
  • Engaging workbook pages designed with clarity.

7 Weekly Instructional Videos

  • 7 Video sessions covering each step with guidance and understanding the spiritual purpose.

Spiritual Life Coach Support

  • I can help adapt steps in response to your needs.
  • I will help you with how to discover your inner gifts.

Accountability to Keep You on Track

  • 7 scheduled sessions where you will receive guidance from me.
  • If you can't make a live session, don't worry! Everything is recorded. 

Empowering Your Inner Skills

  • I inspire and motivate you if you are feeling stuck.
  • I help you with understanding your Souls happiness needs.

Extraordinary Souls 

  • Private Facebook group to share happiness tips.
  • Community support from like minded seekers.

"Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions." ~                                                            Dalai Lama

Over 7 Amazing Weeks You Will:

  • Become confident and self-discover your Spirit.
  • Use tools to gain insight for mental health wellness
  • Expand your happiness in all areas of your life from work to relationships.
  • Get unstuck. (discover your souls happiness)
  • Be inspired to create new spiritual habits each day. 
  • You will finish knowing "Beyond"
  • Best of all you create your personal SOULS ENRICHMENT

What Makes Spiritual Enrichment  so Different?

This is not an ordinary course!

Most workshops focus on copying the instructor's example only using rigid outlines. This master class is about exploring your "Inner Needs." Just like we all have a unique way we show up in the world, you have a happiness that is unique to you! This intuitive journey is about going within and making happiness a personal practice. These steps are designed to create a dialogue with your soul. This is a unique self journey not available anywhere else. What also makes this master class so unique is my years of experience using tools for personal spiritual growth and wellness.

My Soul's Mission is the 3 E's: Empower, Educate and Enlighten!



The Key tools are quick and easy. Learn in a supportive class.

Having fun discovering your "SPIRIT"

Enroll Now!

Here's What a Few Previous Students and Clients Said:

Jan P ~ Australia

The most useful aspect of the master class with Bunny to me is that the sessions have brought to light issues that I was not really aware of previously and thus enabled me to address/attempt to deal with them.

Brenda D ~ Ontario

Bunny is so on point and there was a great connection between us. And I love how honest she was.

Sonia M ~ Ontario

Gained awareness of how much I was preoccupied with things I have no control over.

Spiritual Enrichment

Curriculum 7 Transformational Weeks

  • WEEK 1: Meditation
  • WEEK 2: Who am I
  • WEEK 3: You ARE more than you see!
  • WEEK 4: Practice & Homework Review
  • WEEK 5: Emotional Overload
  • WEEK 6: Mind Master
  • WEEK 7: Future Personal Development


Are You Ready For Change?


Join Here

More Inspiration Please!

Optional add-on weekly private spiritual coaching sessions. This option is for students who want private time to discuss specific life challenges in a personal setting with insightful additional support.



Included Bonuses! 

  • Weekly guided meditations to bring internal awareness and reflection helping build clarity on your journey.
  • Extraordinary Souls Community support where I will personally answer all of your posted questions throughout the weeks.

Are you ready to awaken your inner spirit and the power to create, unleashing your souls happiness? 




You can keep going on feeling unhappy and powerless with your daily practice
you can awaken your soul knowing
embrace your spirit!


Next Step To Change Here

Here's a Recap of Everything You Get


Spiritual Enrichment journey offers easy creative steps with in-depth spiritual understanding. It will tap into your beliefs and awaken subconscious desires to create personal happiness. Learn in a supportive class as you explore your inner knowing. Get insights from sharing this journey with a group setting.



7 Group Coaching Sessions with Me.....$700.00 Value


Soul Story Workbook...…$97 Value


7 Powerful Weekly Action Steps in Video Guide.....$177 Value


7 Weeks of Transformational Guided Meditations.....$177 Value


Supportive Souls Community....$77 Value


Spiritual Development.....Priceless

Total Value: $1228

Enroll now to get all this for much less.


Spiritual Enrichment Journey = $111.00



Will You Be In The Same Place Next Year?

Have you been wanting to be more joyful but feel blocked and uninspired?

Are you feeling a desire to discover why, but not sure where to start?

Do you feel stuck in old habits that don't serve you and are tired of the way things are?

Nothing Changes Until You Take The Steps!

Your New Path Is Here

You're Protected with my Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the Spirituality Master Class then I will refund your money up to 14 days from the date of purchase, no questions asked. Just email me at [email protected] and let me know you wish a refund.

About Bunny, Your Cowgirl Medium

Bunny Sutherland is an internationally recognized spiritual medium, teacher, psychic, author and speaker. Over the last 10 years, she has helped others discover their purpose, heal grief and create lives that light them up. She has also connected clients to their loved ones in spirit, helping bring life full circle. Death is a part of every life, and Bunny believes those who have crossed over remain connected to us - although they are on the other side, they are forever by our side. Bunny's incredible ability guides you  to believe and trust in the spirit realm. Since 2011, her detailed readings have amazed and astounded many around the world. Her belief is to empower everyone that she works with so they can break free of fears that hold them back from living a joyful life. She has guided and taught world wide students her philosophy on the afterlife, how we can open communication with the Spirit Realm and move forward in a much more empowered, enlightened, passionate and inspired way.


48 Hour Early Bird Special


Time Sensitive

  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered



Most Popular

  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered



Top Features

  • Private One on One 30 Minute Sacred Session Added Value of $115.00
  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered

Is This Course Right for You?

  • You are ready to show-up as a creator in your life.
  • You want a regular happy joyful practice.
  • You are looking for guidance and insight to create it.
  • You would like to meet others on the same journey.
  • Tapping into your souls essence to expand across other areas of your life from work to personal relationships.
  • Happiness for inner peace and becoming aligned to your soul needs.
  • Permission to trust yourself and embrace the life you were meant to live.

This Course is NOT Right for You If:

  • You wakeup feeling wrapped in happiness.
  • You have a clear understanding of your life as a Spirit.
  • You embrace everyday with enjoyment of life.




  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered
Buy Now $77.


  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered
Buy Now $111.


  • Private One on One 30 Minute Sacred Session Added Value of $107.00
  • 7 Soul Story Workbook
  • 7 Weekly Video Supports
  • 7 Group Coaching Sessions
  • Private Extraordinary Souls Community
  • Support For Your Motivation
  • Your Questions Answered
Buy Now $177.